The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering is coming home…
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

Dear friends and members of the wind engineering community,
for the first time in its 60-years history, the largest event of the International Association for Wind Engineering will be hosted in Italy (Florence, 27-31 August 2023).
ICWE16 will be a great chance for the Italian community of wind engineering to host such an important meeting, for welcoming colleagues, experts, researchers and students from all over the world. The conference will include (for the first time) Mini-symposia and Special Sessions mainly devoted to the focus of specialized and interdisciplinary topics. More than 500 participants are expected to join the ICWE16 conference, the major event of IAWE taking place after the COVID19 pandemic. For more details click here or visit the ICWE16 website.
Let’s meet in Florence to re-starting with the great tradition of ICWE conferences!
The ICWE16 Core-Group:
Claudio Borri (Chairman)
Gianni Bartoli (Co-Chairman)
Claudio Mannini (Scientific Secretariat)
Enzo Marino (Scientific Secretariat)