Research Grant Opportunity
"Estimation of Wind Loads on Porous Façades Using Computational Fluid Dynamics" – University of Bologna – Call deadline 30 Jan.
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The project is part of the research initiative “Safe design of porous Façades exposed to Extreme wind conditions – SaFEx” and aims to investigate the aerodynamic behavior of buildings featuring façades made with porous elements. The use of porous façades is increasingly widespread in contemporary architecture, thanks to their ability to combine aesthetically refined solutions with high energy performance and living comfort. However, the loads acting on these elements are largely determined by wind action, making an in-depth study of local aerodynamic behavior essential. The SaFEx project aims to adopt an integrated approach between simulations and experimental tests to characterize the interaction between the aerodynamic behavior of façade elements and the building as a whole. The numerical simulations will require the use of the open-source software OpenFOAM and high-performance computing (HPC) resources. The project will start on 1 March 2025.
For more info click here or write to Prof. Luca Patruno .

Seminar held by Prof. Caracoglia
Off-shore Wind Turbine Blade Vibrations Under Stochastic Wind Load and Turbulence Perturbations
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The current trend in the offshore wind turbine industry is to build larger, low-mass tower structures. As a result, the radius of the wind turbine blades will tend to unprecedented lengths. The interaction between the rotating blade and the wind flow can lead to dynamic vibrations and, ultimately, aeroelastic amplifications.
This presentation will focus on the recent experience of the author in the analysis of coupled-mode flutter, involving the dynamic interaction between flap-wise and torsional modes of the blade.
The seminar will be held by Prof. Luca Caracoglia on 18th December 2024 at Politecnico di Bari, Department ArCoD. A streaming is planned on Teams platform. Further information can be found here.

Long-Span Bridge Aeroelasticity against Stationary and Nonstationary Wind Loads: Emerging Research Experiences
Seminar held by Prof. Luca Caracoglia at University of Bologna
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The presentation introduces a probability-informed algorithm for “load uncertainty propagation”. Stemming from theoretical derivations, the stationary joint-probability distribution of the generalized bridge deck response is found, accounting for various perturbations and, particularly, a random variable that quantifies errors in the span-wise wind load correlation. Both flutter and buffeting responses are considered, detailing also some innovative active stabilizers based on the gyroscopic effect.
Finally, the classical theory of bridge aeroelasticity is re-examined in the context of nonstationary wind loads, for example emerging from extreme thunderstorm outflows and gust fronts. A 1200 m bridge example, modeled after the Golden Gate Bridge (USA), and a 3000 m bridge example, modeled after the Messina Strain Bridge (Italy), are used as benchmark structural examples.
The seminar will be held on 9th December 2024, h10:00, Aula LAMC, University of Bologna (Viale del Risorgimento 2). For further info please contact

Announcement of the 6th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2025)
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

Research Activities and Future Perspectives on Long-Span Bridge Aeroelasticity
Seminar held by Prof. Luca Caracoglia
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Fifty years have passed since the pioneering paper by Scanlan and Tomko (“Airfoil and bridge deck flutter derivatives”, J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, Vol. 97, Pt. 6, pp. 1717-1737, 1971) first proposed the successful modeling of flutter and buffeting for long-span bridges. The model originates from the concept of Scanlan Derivative (SD), a set of empirically measured functions that physically describe the various features of the fluid-structure interaction of the bridge deck. This presentation examines the personal research experience in the field of bridge aeroelasticity of the author, by adapting and re-casting the SD modeling approach to solve two specific issues and to demonstrate its continued validity.
For more information see the attached flyer.

Flow-Induced Vibration in Civil & Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Luca Caracoglia visiting DICA, University of Perugia
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The University of Perugia is pleased to announce the PhD Course on “Flow-Induced Vibration in Civil & Mechanical Engineering”.
The lectures will be held by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from Northeastern University (USA) at the Campus of Engineering in Perugia.
The course will introduce PhD students to the discipline that studies the interaction between structural mechanics, dynamics and vibration triggered by unsteady flow over a flexible structure.
This course provides the necessary background in vibrations, and next introduces the students to the basic principles that are common to the study of flow-induced vibration phenomena that are relevant to various engineering fields.
The interaction between flow and moving, flexible body can lead to static or dynamic instability which can result in system failure.
Calculated pressure loads significantly differ from decoupled structural system and fluid-dynamic field.
For more information see the attached flyer.

PhD Course
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A new PhD course (2.5 credits) will be offered in a hybrid format (both in person and online) from the University of Trento, Italy in April 2024.
The course is entitled:
“Emerging Wind Engineering and Energy Technologies at Multiple Scales: From Large Wind Turbines to Miniature Harvesters”.
You can find here course information, syllabus, dates, and instructions for registration
Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,
Luca Caracoglia

4-D Measurements of Windstorm Characteristics
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
ANIV is pleased to disseminate the free webinar:
4-D Measurements of Windstorm Characteristics
given by John Schroeder,
Senior Director, Wind Hazard and Infrastructure Performance Center (WHIP-C), Texas Tech University
on 14 feb 2024 06:00 p.m. CEST
Abstract. Effective mitigation of windstorm risk demands an improved understanding of the engineering-relevant aspects of near-surface winds. Texas Tech University (TTU) has been making measurements of hurricanes, thunderstorms and tornados for over two decades using several technologies including the rapidly deployable fleet of StickNet platforms as well as various weather radar technologies. Recent efforts have been focused on using radar measurements to extract engineering-relevant parameters. This webinar will give an update on our measurement program and also provide a summary of our latest results.
Click here to register.

Optimization, Uncertainty and Probability
IMECE 2024
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear ANIV Researcher,
We would like to kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the Topic
(Track 7 Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Topic 07-12)
which we are organizing within the:
IMECE2023-International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
November 17-21, 2024, Portland, OR
This Topic aims to bring together researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the latest advances in optimization, uncertainty, probability, and related fields (non-probabilistic analysis of uncertainty) with emphasis on applications to dynamics, vibration, and control problems. Contributors are invited to present recent theoretical and computational developments focusing on their applicability in the field of real mechanical engineering problems. The topics to be covered may include but are not limited to: stochastic programming; robustness; sensitivity; reliability-based optimization; uncertainty quantification (probabilistic approaches, interval model, convex models, fuzzy sets, Bayesian model, etc.); stochastic analysis; and reliability assessment.
Authors of selected papers presented at IMECE 2024 will be invited to submit updated and expanded versions of their papers for publication consideration in the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering
Please, submit your 400-650 word text-only abstract here.
Important Dates
• Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 19, 2024
• Notification of Abstract Acceptance: April 2, 2024
• Start of Full-Length Paper Submission: May 14, 2024
We would appreciate if you could notify us by sending a copy of the abstract to Professor Alba Sofi (e-mail:
Alba Sofi
University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria (
Isaac Elishakoff
Florida Atlantic University (
Giuseppe Muscolino
University of Messina (
Luca Caracoglia
Northeastern University (

A one-year (renewable) Research Fellowship opened at the Giovanni Solari Wind Engineering (GS-WinDyn) Research Group of the University of Genoa (Italy)
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
In the framework of the PRIN (Research Projects of Relevant National Interest) – WIND RISK Project,
a research fellowship position is open to work on measurement and modeling of thunderstorm winds (i.e., downburst and gust front) aimed at the nowcast and forecast of deep convective events in the troposphere.
Job description available here.

Third International Symposium on Flutter and its Application (ISFA2024)
Abstract submission is still open
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Third International Symposium on Flutter and its Application (ISFA2024) co-hosted by Tongji University, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering of China and Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Bridge Wind Resistance Technology (Shanghai) of China,
will be held on May 24-26, 2024, in Shanghai, China.
The call for organized Special Sessions and the submission of one-page abstracts are still open!
More information can be found in the enclosed flyer (download here).

PhD scolarship in Wind Engineering
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A scholarship is available for the 3-year program Ph.D. program in “Science and Engineering for the Environment and the Sustainability” at the Department of Engineering of the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”.
The topic of research is:
Safety of building assets against wind actions
The deadline for the application is October 27, 14:00 CET. Selection of candidates will take place in the following weeks, and activities are expected to start in mid-December.
Please visit the link link for all the information.

“Giovanni Solari” MSc award
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The University of Genova, the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and the GS-WindDYn research group announce the “Giovanni Solari” Award for the best MSc Thesis in Wind Engineering discussed at an Italian University during the academic year 2021-2022.
The Award consists of 3000.00 Euro.
The Award will take place annually.
Next deadline: October 16th, 2023
Download your flyer or find more information on the University of Genova website.
Apply now!

Third International Symposium on Flutter and its Application (ISFA2024)
First Announcement and Call for Papers
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The “Third International Symposium on Flutter and its Application (ISFA2024)” co-hosted by Tongji University, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering of China and Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Bridge Wind Resistance Technology (Shanghai) of China, will be held on May 24-26, 2024, in Shanghai, China.
One-page abstracts are due by August 31, 2023.
More information and key dates are described in the enclosed flyer (download here).

Open Ph.D. position in Wind Engineering
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A Ph.D. position has been opened at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, to work on an NSF-funded project on aero-structural optimization of cable-stayed bridges with Prof. Miguel Cid Montoya.
Further information can be found here.

3 courses on Non-synoptic Winds offered at UniGe in May-July 2023
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
In May/June 2023, Prof. Horia Hangan (Ontario Tech University, Canada) and Prof. Luca Caracoglia (Northeastern University, USA) will be visiting professors at the University of Genoa (UniGe).
During their stay in Italy, a 2-course syllabus will be offered in hybrid mode – in person at UniGe and online through Zoom platform – from May 9th to May 30th:
- Modelling of Non-Synoptic Wind Systems (Prof. Horia Hangan) – more info here
- Probability-Informed Wind Engineering against Synoptic and Non-Synoptic Wind Hazards (Prof. Luca Caracoglia) – more info here
In addition, the following course will be held in June/July 2023, weeks 26-27:
- Monitoring and analysis of full-scale downburst events and their effects on structural response (Prof. Massimiliano Burlando, Prof. Maria Pia Repetto, Dr. Federico Canepa, Dr. Andrea Orlando, UniGe, IT) – more info here
All courses are free and opened to PhD students and researchers worldwide.

Optimization, Uncertainty and Probability
IMECE2023 - Call for Abstract Submission
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dear ANIV Researcher,
We would like to kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the Topic
(Track 7 Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Topic 07-12)
which we are organizing within the
IMECE2023-International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
October 29 – November 2, 2023, New Orleans, LA
This track aims to bring together researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the latest advances in optimization, uncertainty, probability and related fields (non-probabilistic analysis of uncertainty) with emphasis on applications to dynamics, vibration and control problems. Contributors are invited to present recent theoretical and computational developments focusing on their applicability in the field of real mechanical engineering problems. The topics to be covered may include but are not limited to: stochastic programming; robustness; sensitivity; reliability-based optimization; uncertainty quantification (probabilistic approaches, interval model, convex models, fuzzy sets, Bayesian model, etc.); stochastic analysis; reliability assessment.
Authors of selected papers presented at IMECE 2023 will be invited to submit updated and expanded versions of their papers for publication consideration in the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering.
Please, submit your 400-650 word text-only abstract online here.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 6, 2023
- Deadline for Presentation Only/Poster Abstract Submission: June 23, 2023
Please, note that the deadline will NOT be extended.
We would appreciate it if you could notify us by sending a copy of the abstract to Professor Alba Sofi.
Alba Sofi, University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria
Isaac Elishakoff, Florida Atlantic University
Giuseppe Muscolino, University of Messina
Luca Caracoglia, Northeastern University

In memoriam: Erik Hjorth-Hansen
A paper by Jakobsen and Kareem
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
In memory of Erik Hjorth-Hansen,
Prof. Jasna Jakobsen and Prof. Ahsan Kareem want to share with the ANIV members a recent paper published in the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.
“Erik Hjorth-Hansen, Professor Emeritus at the Norwegian University of Science and Education, NTNU, passed away on December 10th, 2021, at the age of 88. He was a pillar of the Norwegian wind engineering community and a prominent international expert on the wind-resistant design of long-span bridges.”
To read more, get your free download before March 15, 2023, by clicking on the link.

PhD position in CWE
Open position in Computational Wind Engineering at Politecnico di Torino
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee
Are you looking for a PhD position on Computational Wind Engineering?
The Computational Wind Engineering group at Politecnico di Torino is looking by March 2023 for a brilliant candidate with a strong background in computational fluid dynamics, and/or applied mathematics, and/or civil or environmental engineering.
The Research Programme aims at mitigating the vulnerability of wind-exposed infrastructure through the conceptual design and performance assessment of natural and bio-inspired mitigation measures. Research activities will be pursued by computational simulations adopting a multiphysics modelling that includes wind fluid dynamics, mechanics of porous media, wind effects on natural and man- built structures. The project will be founded within the framework of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR 2021) by European Commission, NextGeneration EU programme.
The Departments of Architecture and Design (Luca Bruno, Lorenzo Raffaele) and of Mathematical Sciences (Luigi Preziosi) will ensure the complementary and interdisciplinary competences needed to achieve the objectives of the project.
You can find detailed information in the attached summary of the project.
Please, contact us (,, if you want more information and for expression of interest. Further information will be available as soon as the PhD position is open.

18th OpenFOAM Workshop 2023 hosted by the University of Genoa
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The next 18th OpenFOAM Workshop will take place in Genoa on 11-14 July 2023, organized by the University of Genoa.
For the first time, a special session on Computational Wind Engineering will be held, chaired by Massimiliano Burlando (UniGe, Giovanni Solari Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics Research Group) and Alessio Ricci (IUSS and Eindhoven University of Technology).
The first post-pandemic great opportunity to bring again together our research and academic community which works on computational wind engineering-related themes using the most widely used worldwide open source CFD code OpenFOAM.
Further information can be found here.

Wind and Sand at ICWE16
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The Mini Symposium “Windblown Sand Science and Engineering“ will take place during the 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering in Florence, August 27-31, 2023, organized by Luca Bruno (Politecnico di Torino, IT), Jeroen van Beeck (Von Karman Institute, BE), Benli Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC).
A great opportunity to bring together several partially overlapping disciplines and scientific communities sometimes shamefully apart, such as applied mathematicians, physicists, aeolian geomorphologists, coastal and wind engineers, as well as both academic and non-academic sectors. Download the flyer here.
Submit your extended abstract best before December 15th, 2022. Guide for Authors at the Conference web site.

Urban physics and the grand societal challenges: from city scale to building scale
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Speaker: Prof. dr. Bert Blocken, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, and KU Leuven, Belgium
Urban physics is the science and engineering of physical processes in urban areas. It basically refers to the transfer of heat and mass in the outdoor and indoor urban environment, and its interaction with humans, fauna, flora and materials. Urban physics is a rapidly increasing focus area as it is key to understanding and addressing the grand societal challenges climate change, energy, health, security, transport, and aging. The presentation aims to demonstrate the importance of a multiscale approach in urban physics research, linking outdoor and indoor physical processes.
The talk will take place on Zoom platform on Tuesday, November 22th, 2022, 8 AM (CDT)
Link to register here.

On-line workshop on “Advanced Modeling of Stochastic Wind Effects and Vibrations”
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The on-line workshop on “Advanced Modeling of Stochastic Wind Effects and Vibrations”, organized by RWTH Aachen University, will take place on October 26th, 2022 (starting at 9:45 a.m., German local time, UTC+2:00). Participation to the webinar is open to all people interested in the topic and is free of charge.
A keynote lecture will be given by Prof. Ahsan Kareem (pre-recorded, due to the time-shift) to introduce the variety and complexity of the topic.
Registration is possible here, where more information and the detailed program of the workshop can also be found.

8EACWE “Giovanni Solari Award for Research Innovation”
Josip Žužul win the Award!
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Dr. Josip Žužul, young researcher of the Wind Engineering Research Group of the University of Genoa, has been awarded the “Giovanni Solari Award for Research Innovation” at the 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering that took place in Bucharest, Romania, 20-23 September 2022.
The award was given for his submitted and presented research work entitled:
“LES simulations of a downburst immersed in an ABL-like wind“.

Open postdoc position in Wind Engineering, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A postdoc position has been opened at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, to work on a project on bridge aeroelasticity and wind-resistant design and optimization of structures with Prof. Miguel Cid Montoya.
Further information can be found here.

Open Ph.D. position on Dynamics of Off-shore Wind Turbine Towers
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
A Ph.D. position has been opened at the University of Florence (International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering) on the subject “Dynamics of groups of wind turbine towers with focus on wind-structure interaction”.
The scholarship is co-financed by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S, Denmark, where the doctoral student will have the chance to spend some months with the experts of the wind energy industry, besides the opportunity to be part of the CRIACIV research group.
Further information for the application can be found here and on page 48 of the pdf.
Deadline for application: August 8th, 2022 at 12 p.m. CET

Tornadoes in Genova
The seminar will be given by Prof. G. Bitsuamlak in June 13th, 2022
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
Prof. Girma Bitsuamlak will give the seminar “Recent advances in experimental and computational modeling of tornadic wind fields and loads” at School of Engineering, University of Genova on June 13th 2022, 12 a.m. CET.
The seminar will include a tornado generation discussion by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based modeling at SHARCNET high-performance computing and physical testing at WindEEE dome.
The seminar will be also available in streaming at this Link. More information are available here.

Ph.D. course on “Introduction to Wind Science and Engineering”
The course will be given by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from June 7th to June 28
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi
The University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ is pleased to announce the PhD Course on “Introduction to Wind Science and Engineering”. The lectures will give by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from Northeastern University (USA) at the Engineering Department in Aversa, Caserta.
The course will present the latest developments in the field of fluid-structure interaction in wind engineering and risk analysis, and “resilience” due to wind hazards.
Course modules will focus on wind science and engineering for the modelling of the wind fields and the solution of problems related to the effects of windstorms on the built environment. Dynamic analysis methods will be presented and applied to the structural response under random wind loads. Applications will discuss fluid-structure interaction problems and probability principles related to the design of long-span bridges and tall buildings.
Further details can be found here.

Open PhD position in Wind Engineering at Northeastern University
Posted on by Federico Canepa
A stimulating PhD Position in Wind Engineering and Wind-based Harvesting Systems is available at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.
Apply now! Please refer to the call for further details

PhD position on “Non-synoptic windstorm risk mitigation by downscaling climate predictions for climate-change resilient port infrastructures” available at the University of Genoa
The deadline for applications is set on November 11, 2021 at 12 pm CET
Posted on by Federico Canepa
In the context of the Ph.D. Programme in “Security, Risk and Vulnerability” (, Curriculum “Risk and Resilience Engineering of Natural, Industrial and Built Environments”, the University of Genoa (Italy) opens a Ph.D. position on Non-synoptic windstorm risk mitigation by downscaling climate predictions for climate-change resilient port infrastructures (link, Research topic B)
Link to the call
Deadline for application: November 11, 2021 at 12 p.m. CET
For information please contact: Prof. Massimiliano Burlando, e.

Special Issue of Applied Sciences on “Wind Engineering for Bridge Structures: Latest Advances and Prospects”
The call for papers is now open!
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Wind engineering practice and research in bridge structures require a multidisciplinary approach at different stages, encompassing all, or a subset of the following: onsite wind characterization, wind tunnel testing, wind actions modeling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, non-heuristic design methods, and structural monitoring.
This Special Issue welcomes submissions addressing cutting-edge practical applications, feasibility studies, and research in the above topics. The overall goal is to outline future trends in wind engineering applications in bridge design.
Further information can be found here.
Guest Editors:
Felix Nieto, University of A Coruña, Spain.
John S. Owen, University of Nottingham, UK.
Ole A. Øiseth, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

The last book by Prof. Giovanni Solari
The presentation of the book "Nel Vento e nell'Ingegneria" authored by Prof. Giovanni Solari will be held in Genoa on September 15th, 2021
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The last book authored by Giovanni Solari “Nel Vento e nell’Ingegneria” will be presented in Genova, Villa Cambiaso, on Wednesday, September 15th 2021 at 5.45 p.m. The event will take place in person only. Reservation at and green pass are mandatory.
The e-book is available in open access here. It is possible to purchase the printed version at the Genova University Press or order it here: the proceeds will be donated to charity in favor of the Associazione Gigi Ghirotti.
More information can be found at:
“Durante i miei studi in ingegneria civile mi sono casualmente imbattuto nel vento e nei suoi effetti sulle costruzioni. Ne è scaturita una folgorazione che è diventata il tema portante della mia esistenza, dando luogo a una triade di aspetti rari: un ragazzo diventato prima ingegnere e poi professore rimanendo legato alle sue origini umili; lo studioso che ha fatto della ricerca una ragione di vita; il professionista che ha avuto il privilegio di lavorare a opere simbolo. Il libro accompagna il lettore in un viaggio nel vento e nell’ingegneria intriso di esperienze umane e professionali che hanno dato luogo a una vita incalzante, varia per interessi e conoscenze, ricca di momenti belli e pregni di tensione, generosa per i risultati ottenuti e per gli insegnamenti ricevuti.” (Prof. Giovanni Solari)

14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering
The 14th ACWE will be held in Lubbock, Texas, USA on May 17-19, 2022
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (14th ACWE) will be hosted by the National Wind Institute at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, United Stated on May 17-19, 2022.
As one of the Premier Conferences for the international Wind Engineering community, the ACWE brings together scholars and practitioners in areas such as wind climate, wind loading on structures, performance of structures in wind, environmental effects of wind, socioeconomic impacts of wind hazards, and wind energy.
Submission of abstracts is now open, and the key dates before the Conference are as follows:
August 15, 2021: Early Registration & Abstract Submission Opens
October 15, 2021: Abstract Submission Closes
December 1, 2021: Notification of Acceptance
March 1, 2022: Full Paper Submission Deadline
March 15, 2022: Early Registration Closes
More information about the 14th ACWE can be found on the Conference website.

“International Advanced School on Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures” – New dates 4-8 October 2021
The IAS School will be held in Genoa in person or remotely
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The GS-Windyn Research Group ( is pleased to announce that the “International Advanced School on Thunderstorm Outflows and their Impact on Structures”, organized in the framework of the ERC THUNDERR Project ( and postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic emergency, will be held in Genoa on October 4-8, 2021. Participants will be able to attend the IAS in person or remotely.
The updated program of the event, and registration instructions, are available here

Windblown Sand among the most inspiring research and innovation projects across Europe
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission celebrates the H2020/MSCA completed and ongoing projects SMaRT and HyPerSMM with the article “Saving railways from sand” ( published on “Horizon, The EU Research & Innovation Magazine” (
Enjoy reading it!

Ph.D. course on “Risk Analysis, Resilience and Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Structures against Wind Hazards”
The course will be given by Prof. Luca Caracoglia from May 10th to May 27th (18 hours) by Teams platform
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Prof. Luca Caracoglia from Northeastern University (USA) will give a Ph.D. Course at University of Perugia on “Risk Analysis, Resilience and Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Structures against Wind Hazards”.
The course will present the latest developments in the field of performance-based engineering and resilience against wind hazards.
Course modules will focus on modeling of wind fields, turbulence and aerodynamic loads for structural engineering. Dynamic analysis methods will be applied to the structural response under random wind loads. Applications will discuss probability principles related to design of long-span bridges and tall buildings.
Further information can be found here

Ph.D. training course on “Extreme Winds and their Interactions with Civil Structures”
The course will take place from May 17th to June 14th (10 hours)
Posted on by Federico Canepa
To respond to the more frequent and intense wind hazards around the world, Dr. Grace Yan, Associate Professor of Missouri University of Science and Technology, Director of Hazard Mitigation and Community Resilience and of Wind Hazard Mitigation (WHAM) Laboratory, will offer a short course: “Extreme Winds and their Interactions with Civil Structures”. This course will provide the information on the wind effects of extreme winds and hazard-resistant design. It will cover fundamentals of bluff-body aerodynamics, ASCE7-16 specifications on design wind loading, and non-synoptic winds (tornadoes and hurricanes) and hazard-resistant design. The advanced research in WHAM lab will inform teaching.
The course will take place from May 17th to June 14th, for a total of 10 hours.
Further details can be found here

Call for papers “Risk-Informed and Life-Cycle Analyses of Structures and Infrastructures”
Posted on by Federico Canepa
A call for abstracts is open for the Special Collection on
“Risk-Informed and Life-Cycle Analyses of Structures and Infrastructures”
that will be published in the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering.
The Special Collection is motivated by the increasing interest, within the structural engineering community, of risk-informed, life-cycle analysis for the design of modern structures and infrastructures, and for the retrofitting of aging ones.
Further details here
Guest Editors:
Luca Caracoglia, Northeastern University, Boston, USA,
Jamie E. Padgett, Rice University, Houston, USA,
Ilaria Venanzi, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy,

Call for papers: “Physical and Numerical Simulation of the Flow around Porous Elements and Double Skin Façades”
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Porous elements are becoming increasingly popular in modern architecture. In particular, porous barriers are often mounted on bridge decks in order to protect vehicles against strong cross-winds while porous claddings can be used in order to visually emphasize the volume of framed structures. Their use is becoming particularly important also as external layer of double skin façades, often used to improve the building performance in terms of internal comfort and energy consumption.
This Special Issue will collect contributions focused on the simulation of the flow around porous elements and double-skin façades by means of both physical and numerical models. Contributions might include fundamental research as well as detailed descriptions of case studies, developing cutting-edge methodologies for their analysis.
Please visit the following link for further details: link
Dr. Luca Patruno
Prof. Dr. Stefano de Miranda
Guest Editors

ANIV-WES joint webinar: reply to discussion by Vento-CFD
Posted on by Federico Canepa
In the wake of the first ANIV-WES joint seminar “Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades”, ANIV is pleased to disseminate the reply to discussion by Vento-CFD Company.
The document is also available for download here.

The 6th AAWE Workshop hosted online by Clemson University on May 12-14, 2021
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University will host the 6th AAWE (American Association for Wind Engineering) Workshop. AAWE Workshops are focused on student and early career presentations. The workshop will include several keynote addresses and panel discussions on wind engineering practice and future directions for wind engineering research.
Abstracts are due on March 19, 2021.
Further information may be found here

Second International Symposium on Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Cables (ISDAC 2021) at the University of Stavanger (Norway)
The Symposium will be held on 16-17 September 2021
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Professor Jasna Bogunovic Jakobsen recently announced that the next Symposium on the Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Cables (ISDAC2021) will be held at the University of Stavanger (Norway) on 16-17 September 2021. This venue will bring together researchers from various fields of dynamics, wind engineering and health structural monitoring on a subject relevant to the analysis and design of elements present in several structural, mechanical systems and more (e.g. applications related to DNA chains in science).
ANIV researchers have been very active in this research space over the years. This initiative well reflects the activities and contributions of the ANIV group. Two of the current ANIV steering committee members (Profs. A. Zasso and L. Caracoglia) will serve as members of the scientific committee for this event.
Abstract and paper submission is encouraged from all members.
More information may be found here

“Wind Load Uncertainty Effects on Long-Span Bridge Aeroelasticity”
The webinar will be given by Luca Caracoglia and hosted at the University of Perugia (remotely via Microsoft Teams) on December 9th
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Professor Luca Caracoglia (Northeastern University) will present the talk titled “Wind Load Uncertainty Effects on Long-Span Bridge Aeroelasticity: from Stochastic Dynamics to Artificial Intelligence Surrogate Models”, where the relevance of wind load uncertainty propagation on wind-induced bridge vibrations will be examined. In the first part, reduced-order models will be employed to estimate the stationary probability distribution of a generalized variable vector, simulating the wind-induced bridge response contaminated by various error sources. The second part will examine Monte-Carlo simulation algorithms for uncertainty quantification and to study the loss of performance in a long-span bridge, produced by wind-induced vibration. Finally, in the context of flutter instability, the study will introduce how Artificial Intelligence can be innovatively employed to estimate bridge flutter occurrence without requiring the direct solution of the equations of motion.
The webinar will be hosted on December 9th 2020 at 11:30 AM (CET) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, remotely via Microsoft Teams platform.
Please contact for more information and how to access the webinar.
Flyer of the event: Webinar_Caracoglia

Special Issue of Applied Sciences on Advances on Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics
The call for papers is now open!
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Dr. Sara Muggiasca and Dr. Tommaso Argentini are pleased to coordinate, as Guest Editors, the Special Issue of Applied Sciences on ‘Advances on Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics’. They would like to collect new research papers from the wind engineering community with particular reference to:
- Wind loads on façades
- Long-span bridge aerodynamic behaviour
- High-rise building aerodynamic behaviour
- Wind effects on roofs
- Atmospheric modelling for civil applications
- Field measurements and health monitoring
- Urban flow dispersion modelling
- Wind environment/human comfort
Further information can be found at the following link:

BARC special issue on W&S: call for papers
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Wind & Structures: an International Journal (IF 2019 1.922) announces an open call for original research papers for a special issue on the Benchmark on the Aerodynamics of a Rectangular 5:1 Cylinder (BARC).
– Guest Editors: Luca Bruno (Politecnico di Torino, and Maria Vittoria Salvetti (Università di Pisa,, on behalf of the BARC Organizing Committee;
– All papers should be submitted by e-mail to the Guest Editors;
– The submission deadline is March 31st, 2021. Contributions can be sent from now up to the deadline. Early contributions are encouraged;
– The publication of the special issue is planned in Autumn 2021.
Are you planning to prepare a paper for submission? Please, provide us with a tentative title and authors.

New PRACE project on BARC
The project will be developed by the fluid dynamic group of UNIMORE
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The fluid dynamic group of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (A. Cimarelli et al, has been recently awarded by the European PRACE call 21 ( for a research project on BARC (, an ANIV-IAWE-ERCOFTAC benchmark. 40 million core-hours will be used to improve the state of art in the Direct Numerical Simulation approach to BARC by significantly rising the Reynolds number towards values of interest for engineering applications.
First results to appear soon!

New website for the EU project “Hybrid Performance assessment of Sand Mitigation Measures”
HyPer SMM website in now available online
Posted on by Federico Canepa
HyPer SMM is a Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship awarded to Lorenzo Raffaele under the supervision of von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (BE) and Optiflow company (FR).
The aim of the project is to assess the performance of Sand Mitigation Measures by developing an innovative hybrid approach, as a brand new design-and-assessment methodology. This approach combines highly reliable Wind-Sand Tunnel Test, and innovative Wind-Sand Computational Simulations.
You can check HyPer SMM news, events and people at

AAWE Best Journal Paper Award 2019
Call for candidatures - due date October 31, 2020
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Have you read a paper recently that is award-worthy?
The American Association for Wind Engineering (AAWE) is now soliciting the Best Journal Paper Award 2019. The nominations are due by October 31, 2020 at The link below provides the details of the award and nomination requirements:
Please participate and nominate a paper for this award!

Aerodynamic design of the new Genoa bridge at Politecnico di Milano
Wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations at Politecnico di Milano for wind safety of the new structure
Posted on by Federico Canepa
The New Genoa Bridge, recently completed, represents a symbol of the possibility to conjugate aesthetics and functionality for a large infrastructure, keeping the safety as the leading aspect of the project.
The wind engineering team from Politecnico di Milano, coordinated by Alberto Zasso, member of the ANIV Steering Committee, was responsible for the aerodynamic design of the new Genoa Bridge by Renzo Piano.
Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations together with wind tunnel tests on scaled rigid model of the bridge were performed to evaluate the structural response to the wind interaction and to assess the vehicle’s safety to the wind action.
Here below an insight into the project. Check it out!

Professor Luca Caracoglia will deliver the lecture "Performance-based engineering and resilience (PBE&R) against wind hazards" at MECHRES20
Posted on by Federico Canepa
Professor Luca Caracoglia, member of the ANIV Steering Committee, is part of an international team of experts who will deliver the Second Online Summer School on MECHANICS AND PERFORMANCE OF RESILIENT STRUCTURES AND INFRASTRUCTURES (MECHRES20).
Lectures will be delivered synchronously, via web-based platform, on September 8-11, 2020. The initiative is organized by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of University of Trento, Italy. It is specifically designed for PhD students, researchers and engineering practitioners.
The course will focus on the recent developments in the fields of performance-based wind engineering and resilience, meta-materials for shielding seismic excitation in process plant components, structural control system design and risk-based analysis of structures in major hazard facilities. More information may be found here:

International Advanced School on Thunderstorm outflows and their impact on structures
Genova March 1-5, 2021
Posted on by ANIV Steering Committee
The International Advanced School will cover synoptic, mesoscale and thunderstorm meteorology, wind storms and climate changes, wind monitoring and thunderstorm detection, downburst modelling and signal analysis, laboratory and CFD simulation of downbursts, Monte Carlo simulation of wind velocity fields, fundamentals of bluff-body aerodynamics, wind loading and response of structures to thunderstorm outflows, full-scale monitoring of structures, damage induced by local storms, research and codification perspectives.
More information at