vortex shedding under heaving and torsional vibrations (credits: L. Bruno)

ANIV-CWE in a nutshell
ANIV-CWE is participated by native computational wind researchers, i.e. with a PhD on CWE, scientifically reputed and currently active in CWE.
ANIV-CWE aims at promoting inside exchange and open discussion on research topics in CWE, and to promote outwards actions to conceive CWE best practices, disseminate them among practictioners, implement them in pre-normatice and standardisation documents.
Active Participants
Luca Bruno
Politecnico di Torino
Luca obtained a MSc in Architecture, a DEA in Structural Dynamics at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausées in Paris, a PhD in Structural Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, and a PhD in Fluid Mechanics at Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre. He currently works at Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Architecture and Design. He was the recipients of the ANIV Award in 2002, and of the IABSE Outstanding Paper Award in 2008. His first scientific love is CWE applied to bridges, bluff bodies, aeroelasticity, windblown sand modelling, crowd flows. In spite of passion for his mountains, he never applied it to windblown snow, at least up to now.
Nicolas Coste
Optiflow Company
Nicolas obtained a Bsc in Mathematics, a MSc Research in Fluid Dynamics, and a PhD in Fluid Mechanics at Aix-Marseille University. He is co-founder of OptiFlow, a Company specialized in Computational Wind Engineering since 1998, where he is charge of Research & Development and High-Performance Computing activities. He is member of the Windblown Sand Modeling and Mitigation group, a joint research development and consulting group established between Optiflow and Politecnico di Torino. He is member of the French Wind Engineering Association (AIV). Nicolas has been involved as CWE consultant in more than 60 very large projects worldwide in Architecture, Engineering & Construction industry. He participated national and international computational benchmarks (e.g. BARC benchmark promoted by ANIV), and European and industrial research projects (e.g. H2020/MSCA SMaRT and HyPer, MUR PROTEECT).
Claudio Mannini
Università di Firenze
Claudio obtained a MSc in Environmental Engineering at the University of Florence, a PhD in Vulnerability and Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction at the University of Florence and at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He currently works at the University of Florence, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, where he teaches Wind Engineering and Steel Structures. He was the recipients of the ANIV Award in 2008, the IAWE Junior Award in 2011 and the EASD Junior Research Prize in 2014. His research work has mainly been focused on bridge aerodynamics, bluff body aerodynamics and flow-induced vibrations. In these fields, he has always tried to take advantage of the fruitful synergy between CWE and wind tunnel tests.
Alessandro Mariotti
Università di Pisa
Alessandro obtained a MSc in Aerospace Engineering at Università di Pisa and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering – Fluid Mechanics at the “Scuola di Dottorato Leonardo da Vinci” of the same university. He currently is Assistant Professor in Experimental Aerodynamics at Università di Pisa, and his main research field is the experimental and numerical study of complex flows. The main activities he carried out concern the experimental and numerical analysis and control of the flow separation around bluff bodies and the development of methods for drag reduction; the experimental and numerical study of the flow in micro-reactors; uncertainty quantification; simulation and in-vitro experiments of hemodynamics problems; numerical evaluation of coastal erosion; wind-tunnel tests and aerodynamics optimization. He obtained the ANIV Award in 2018
Luca Patruno
Università di Bologna
Luca received his MSc degree in Civil Engineering at University of Bologna. After an internship at CSTB Nantes, he obtained his PhD with a thesis on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for the evaluation of bridges aeroelastic stability. He has been member of Collegio Superiore of University of Bologna and has been awarded the Prix INNO-VENT 2016 provided by AIV (Association de l’Ingenierie du Vent Belgique – France – Suisse). He is currently Assistant Professor at University of Bologna and his research work concentrates on Computational Mechanics with a focus on Computational Wind Engineering.
Paolo Schito
Politecnico di Milano
Paolo obtained a MSc in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. His research activity is mainly in numerical and experimental Wind Engineering and Wind Energy, with some experiences in vehicle aerodynamics. Besides Applied Mechanics, he teaches Aero-Hydrodynamics of sails at Politecnico di Milano and at the Master in Yacht Design, where he shares the scientific part of sailing and his passion for races and cruises with the students.
Giuseppe Vairo
Università Roma 2
Giuseppe achieved the MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and the PhD degree in Structural Engineering in 2002 at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Giuseppe was engaged in an internship at the Magneti Marelli France (in Paris), on computational methods for fluid-structure-interaction industrial problems. Actually, he is professor of Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He was visiting professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. His main research topics are: computational wind engineering, bridge aeroelasticity, fluid-structure interaction problems, biomechanics, mechanics of smart materials and structures.
Former Participants
Other colleagues have been part of ANIV-CWE in the recent past. Today they are fully involved in other scientific or industrial fields related to CFD/CWE. ANIV-CWE likes to acknowledge their contribution.
Davide Fransos
Member of ANIV-CWE from 2015 to 2019
Today Senior CFD Methodology Engineer at Sauber Motor Sport
Andrea Lo Giudice
Member of ANIV-CWE from 2019 to 2022
Today Senior Data Scientist and ML Engineer at FPT Industrial
⥤ ANIV-CWE contribution to codification
ANIV-CWE supported the Committee in charge of drafting the «Guide for the assessment of wind actions and effects on structures» issued by the Advisory Committee on Technical Recommendations for Constructions of the Italian National Research Council in Feruary 2019.
In particular, ANIV-CWE participants drafted the informative Annex T – «Simulations by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD/CWE)».
The Italian version of the CNR-DT 207 R1/2018 can be downloaded here

ANIV-CWE is advising UNI CT021/SC1 in the revision of the Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions.
In particular, ANIV-CWE is supporting the drafting of the new Annex K – «Derivation of design parameters from wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations».
The members of ANIV-CWE authored the paper “Codes and standardson Computational Wind Engineering for structural design: State of art and recent trends”, included in the Special Issue “Codification of wind loading on structures” of Wind and Structures: an international journal, vol 37(2), pages 133-151, 2023, doi: 10.12989/was.2023.37.2.133. The paper can be download in Open Access here.
⥤ ANIV-CWE contribution in disseminating CWE among Scientists
May 2022
L. Bruno on behalf of ANIV-CWE offered the opening keynote lecture «Simulation numérique d’écoulements en ingégnerie du vent: modes d’emploi et dommages colatéraux» [CWE for Design: instruction for use and side effects] at the Thematic Day «Les usages de la simulation numérique (CFD) en Ingegnerie du Vent» organized by the French-speaking Wind Engineering Association [AIV – Association de l’Ingégnerie du Vent Belgique – France – Suisse] – Liège
⥤ ANIV-CWE contribution in disseminating CWE among Designers
May 2018
L. Bruno on behalf of ANIV-CWE taught the lesson «Fluidodinamica Computazionale (CFD/CWE) e applicazioni» [Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD/CWE) and applications] within the Course «Azioni ed effetti del vento sulle costruzioni» [Wind actions and effects on buildings] organized by the Order of Engineers of Genova and coordinated by G. Solari – University of Genova
July 2023
L. Bruno, N. Coste and L. Patruno on behalf of ANIV-CWE taught the webinar «Computational Wind Engineering for the Design of Steel Structures: Instructions for use and side effects» organized by the Collegio Tecnici dell’Acciaio [CTA, Italian Council for Steel Structures]. The 6 hr-long webinar was attended by 50+ designers. [flyer]