Seminar held by Prof. Caracoglia
Off-shore Wind Turbine Blade Vibrations Under Stochastic Wind Load and Turbulence Perturbations
Posted on by Vincenzo Picozzi

The current trend in the offshore wind turbine industry is to build larger, low-mass tower structures. As a result, the radius of the wind turbine blades will tend to unprecedented lengths. The interaction between the rotating blade and the wind flow can lead to dynamic vibrations and, ultimately, aeroelastic amplifications.
This presentation will focus on the recent experience of the author in the analysis of coupled-mode flutter, involving the dynamic interaction between flap-wise and torsional modes of the blade.
The seminar will be held by Prof. Luca Caracoglia on 18th December 2024 at Politecnico di Bari, Department ArCoD. A streaming is planned on Teams platform. Further information can be found here.